Below are a series of different print screens taken from Photoshop during the construction of my Digi-pak.
Going back to my digi-pak research and analysis, I wanted to create an effect like keane's 'Perfect Symmetry' album. I started out by creating a simple triangle shape using the line tool in photoshop. I then had to merge the visible layers to make the shape connect together.
I then had to measure out the correct positions on where my lines would go. I did this by using a rular to make sure the spaces were the same. I then used the line tool again to create boxes.
The above print screen shows me dividing the boxes into two, to create triangles. I had to repeat this for every box.
After completing that, I had to 'merge visible' to make sure all the lines met each other to create one over all shape so I could then colour each individual triangle.
Above shows the layers merged together to create one shape then I tried various different colours within the triangles to see what worked best.
I knew I wanted to keep the same colour scheme, red, white, black, and grey as in my video to keep similarity. I tried various different ways to see what was more eye-catching.
This was my final choice of colours etc. I found this pattern and order of colours worked well together.
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