Friday 28 January 2011

Digi-pak Analysis

Below is my second digi-pak analysis. I analysed The White Stripes album 'The White Stripes'.

Digi-pak Analysis

Below is my first Digi-pak analysis. I analysed Keane's album 'Perfect Symmetry'.

Research for my Digi-Pak

After I completed my editing for my video, I had to start thinking about ideas for my Digi-Pak. I have researched a lot of different CD covers and artists to see what appeals to me. I already had one idea and the CD cover that most related my idea was Keane's album cover. 

The genre of my song, I would say is alternative rock. My video is quite unusual and is not your conventional music video. I hope to create an album cover to match the way my video is. 

Below are some album covers that I thought mirror the way my video is, quite unusual, simple but with a twist. 

I liked this album cover as it is eye catching and quite unusual. The majority of my video is special effects and I want to adopt the same idea into my Digi-pak. I feel that CD covers like this stand out to the buyer more, grabbing their attention.

This is an album cover from The Black Keys, the band where my song choice came from. This CD cover is a contrast to Keane's album cover as it is a lot more simple and straight to the point; direct mode of address. 

This is an album cover by The White Stripes. This cover appeals to me as it is quite simple but has a different non conventional feel to it. I like the fact that the images of the band are on rolls of film.

I hope to create my digi-pak on a similar style to one of these albums, adopting different effects and trying new ideas to see how they turn out. 

Screen Shots

Below are some more screen shots of my editing in After Effects and Premiere Pro.

While filming my video, I used the green screen so i had to import videos into After Effects and use a tool called Keying in order for me to change the background. Once I was happy with the outcome, I would then import the new clip into Premiere Pro to start editing. 

Screen Shots

Below are some screen shots taken from Photoshop. Before starting to edit my video I had to create shapes in photoshop in order to import them into After Effects. 

My inspiration for my video came from the video 'Seven Nation Army' by The White Stripes. I have added the video to see comparisons and to show where my inspiration came from. However, I do not want to base all my work on this particular video, I hope to adopt some of these ideas and create something new. 

Above is the video from The White Stripes