Tuesday 12 October 2010

Music Video - Analysis

Below is my first music video analysis. I chose The White Stripes 'Seven Nation Army' as this video has been one of my inspirations for my own music video. The music is also similar to The Black Keys 'Strange Times', they both have a steady continuous beat throughout. 

I have included print screens to show the super-imposed effects that the directors used. I hope to adopt this effect and hopefully include it within my own music video. 


Planning - Production Schedule

As part of my planning I had to create a production schedule with the timings and shots that I plan to use on my filming day, which will be Wednesday 27th October. I plan to start filming at 10:00am and hopefully get it all done within one day finishing around 16:00pm. 

Below is a print screen of my production schedule:

All my planning will help me to be organised on the day of my filming, having a production schedule will ensure that I remember to film all the shots that I want to include within my video. By sticking to the times I have planned in my production schedule it will help me with overall time management as this is a crucial part in filming my video.

Friday 8 October 2010

Planning - Potential Hazards

Potential hazards I may encounter while filming

Above is a print screen from Microsoft word where I created a table of the potential hazards that I may come across when filming my music video.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Planning - Assets List

Assets List

Creating an Assets List will help me to remember all the important props/equipment that I will need to ensure I am ready to film my video. If I was to forget one item it could potentially cause problems and will mean filming another day. So I will include in this list everything from the smallest detail, as when I was filming the preliminary task if we forgot props we couldn’t continue filming and managing your time correctly is key to making this video work.

The following items are what I will need to create my music video:

  • ·      Video Camera + tape
  • ·      Tri-pod
  • ·      Storyboard
  • ·      Timeline
  • ·      Production Schedule
  • ·      Shot List
  • ·      Camera (so I can take still images to add to my blog) + memory stick
  • ·      Appropriate clothing that I would like the band to wear
  • ·      Money for refreshments etc

 The following items are what I will require when filming the band:

  • ·      Stage
  • ·      Lighting (Strobe lighting, bright lights etc)
  • ·      Guitar
  • ·      Drum kit
  • ·      Microphone x2
  • ·      Microphone stand x2
  • ·      Plain background
  • ·      Preferably a black/white canvas to film the band performing

By making a list of the equipment I will need, it will ensure that I am fully prepared on the day of my filming and will mean less panicking to make sure that I have everything I need to make my filming as successful as possible.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Storyboard animatics

Below is my storyboard animation, after creating a storyboard we filmed each one to create a small clip of how the music video would go.

Planning - Timeline and Storyboard

Time line

To start our planning for our music video we created a time line to show the different cuts we plan to make within the video. Most my clips last for around 3 to 4 seconds and I have decided to use more post production effects in my video rather then a narrative idea. This will involve super-imposing images within my video to hopefully create the effect that I am after. I am planning to film the band performing on stage, and I will cut this into the post production effects that I hope to create. Creating this time line has helped me to realise where I have gaps and anywhere I did I needed to take extra time to think about a new idea that could potentially fill that gap.

Below are shots of my time line:


After creating a time line, we began to make a storyboard as another part of our planning. To do this, I had to refer back to my time line then draw pictures of what I wanted my shots to look like, I did this on post-it notes. Within these drawings, I had to include the different camera angles and shot distances. Additional information that I could not include in my drawing was written underneath. 

Overall, I did about 10 sheets in total, consisting of 6 pictures per page. Looking back to my time line, when appropriate I wrote the chorus lyrics on top of the post-it notes. Planning my music video has helped me a great deal and I will be referring back to them to guide me while filming my video to ensure I include all the shot distances and angles that I wanted to create.

Below are shots of my storyboard: